Friday, March 4, 2011

Another Voondi Find!

Just look at this wonderful tin box I found!

Love the green! It was covered with hidious shelf liner....can you even imagine covering this up? Wonder what it intention was?
I am so ready for spring, this Lily of the Valley is ready too!
So worth the wait ~ 4 years, no blooms, then walah! Isn't she a beaut!
FLowers everywhere! Yes, this is how I make it thru to spring!


  1. Love all the flowers but don't you think the green tin box belongs in my potting shed???? :>)

  2. Great tin container! I love the flowers, the glow of my woodstove keeps me going through the winter!
    Lisa ;-)


Voondi would love to hear your ideas and comments! Please take the time to tell me what you think :D